
"Colours of Orthodoxy. Poland" in the capital of Moldova

Among important people who visited the exhibition was the ambassador of Poland in Moldova – Mr Artur Michalski. The ambassador remarked that citizens of Kishinev have a rare opportunity to see how Orthodox Church in Poland lives.
To artistically enrich the exhibition, a choir of St Basil Martysz (directed by Fr łukasz Godun) sang religious and folk songs connected with Polish tradition.

Metropolitan Vladimir admired the exhibition with a great interest saying that the first country outside the Soviet Union that he visited was Poland. Fr Nicolae Ciobanu – a president of Culture Department in Moldovan Metropolie and Mr Aleksander Wasyluk came up with an idea about exhibition project. They gave Metropolitan a tour around the exhibition. Fr nicolau was a very enthusiastic and supportive partner in organizing the exhibition.

Before the exhibition day, the organizers of the exhibition, choir singers and editorial team of OrthPhoto participated in the Divine Liturgy in church of Archangel Michael in Kruglik, near Kishinev. All of them had an opportunity to experience the hospitality of Moldovan people as they were hosted by parishioners from Kruglik.

The exhibition opening in Moldova is one of many events organized by OrthPhoto to present the exhibition “Colours of Orthodoxy. Poland”. Subsequent exhibition openings will take place in Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. The exhibitions are organized as a part of a project “Poland – Eastern Partnership. A dialogue on Orthodoxy Plane”, which is co-funded by Polish Minsitry of Foreign Affairs.

Paweł Karczewski