
Ukraine. Exhibition opening – “ Colours of Orthodoxy. Poland”

The exhibition opening took place in Vinnica, in central Ukraine. The pictures were presented in a landscape museum in the city which has around 400 thousand citizens. The exhibition is part of celebrations for the 1025 anniversary of Christening of Ruthenia and 80th anniversary of exhistence of Vinnica Diocese.

The exhibition opening in Vinnica started a series of exhibitions which will take place in the forthcoming days in Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. The events are part of a project “Poland. Eastern Partnership. A dialogue on Orthodoxy Plane.” which is co-funded by Polish Ministry of Foreign affairs.

To begin with, a photocast about selected elements characteristic for Polish Orthodoxy was presented. Then, there were speeches of the guests. Metropolitan of Vinnica- Simon highlighted the long-lasting relationship of Polish and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches which are like family to each other. He also showed us how much he knew about Poland. To host him at the exhibition opening was a great honour to the organizers. Especially, as Metropolitan had a lot of duties connected with the aforementioned anniversaries. Polish Orthodox Church was represented by Archbishop Abel from Lublin-Chelm Diocese who has a friendly relationship with the Ukrainian church. Moreover, Polish consul of the Vinnica district – Mr Krysztof Świderek as well as representatives of the local government attended the event.

Subsequently, there was a concerto of a choir of St Basil Martysz conducted by Fr Lukasz Godun. The choir sang Polish Orthodox religious songs, Polish patriotic and national songs. The performance greatly facilitated presentation of the pictures as it helped the gathered guests to get closer to Polish Orthodox church.

Metropolitan Simeon liked the performance so much that in the end he joined in singing
„Mnohaja leta” and „Sto lat”. Then, he gave the clergymen a tour around the exhibition, giving some additional information about places presented in pictures. The guests were offered some refreshments and had a lot of time to admire the pictures while eating and listening to the choir singing. Although the exhibition opening was a rather formal event, the atmosphere was really warm and friendly. Hopefully, the exhibition will encourage Ukrainians to learn more about Polish Orthodoxy and Poland itself. Maybe folders about Podlasie province and CDs with material about the exhibition will be a motivator to explore Poland.

In the evening editorial teams of Orthphoto and cerkiew.pl together with choir singers attended vespers in cathedral of Transfiguration on the evening preceding the day of St Simeon Stylites. The service was performed by seven clergymen including Metropolitan of Chmielnice Antoni, Metropolitan of Vinnica Simeon and Archbishop of Chelm and Lublin Abel.

All of the people who took part in a tour with the exhibition are greatly impressed by the hospitality and great organizational skills of the Ukrainian partners. We would like to thank everyone for their kindness. Our special thanks to Metropolitan Simeon, Deacon Vladislav Demczenko and spokesman Bogdan Bondar.

Dominika Kovačević