
The opening of the exhibition „Colours of Orthodoxy. Poland” in Minsk

The exhibition comprises 200 selected from www.orthphoto.net photographs by 57 authors. Thanks to the exhibition Belarus citizens have an opportunity to learn about Polish Orthodox believers, their traditions, clergy and parishioners. They can also see monasteries and churches, some of which date back to several centuries ago.

The exhibition was opened by Archbishop of Novogorod and Lida, Gurij. Archbishop Gurij is presently holding an exarch’s office. The archibishop greeted visitors and expressed his joy at hosting the exhibition about Polish Orthodoxy in Minsk. Subsequently, letters of Metropolitan of Minsk and Sluck, Filaret (the exarch of Belarus) and Metropolitan Sava of Warsaw and all Poland were read. In their letters, both metropolitans stressed the importance of Christian mission and being a witness of Orthodoxy in modern world.

Charge d'affaires of the Polish embassy in Minsk, Mr Aleksander Wasilewski compared the exhibition to a bouqet of flowers which beautifully depicts spirituality and soul of Polish Orthodoxy. Mr Włodzimierz Grozov, who represents a publishing house of the Belarus exarch, talked about cooperation between Polish and Belarus publishing houses. The organizers of the exhibition, Mr Aleksander Wasyluk and Mr Matfiej Rodov told the visitors about the project and history of the website www.orthphoto.net

During the exhibition a choir from the chapel of St Martyr Basil Martysz in Warsaw sang several religious and Polish national songs. The choir was conducted by Fr Lukasz Godun.

The exhibition „Colours of Orthodoxy. Poland” has a blessing of Metropolitan of Warsaw and all Poland – Sava and has an honorary patronage of the President of Poland – Mr. Bronisław Komorowski.
Piotr Makal, Magdalena Kucharewicz