
Bulgarian Patriarch saw the exhibition “Colours of Orthodoxy. Poland”

 The event commenced with a short performance by a choir from a local cathedral. Subsequently, a representative of the Polish Embassy briefly described the history and a present situation of the Polish Orthodox Church. He also highlighted the fact that it was a great honour to host Bulgarian Patriarch at the exhibition in such a splendid cathedral. Finally, he admitted that even though the exhibition was rather modest (it comprised eleven panels with pictures and descriptions) it illustrated Polish Orthodoxy perfectly well.

Archimandrite Wiktor Mutafow (a protosingelos* of Metropolitan of Ruse) told Polish guests about the history of the cathedral and showed them exhibits from the diocese museum. At the end, Patriarch Neofit was given the album “Colours or Orthodoxy. Poland”.

*a protosingelos is a secretary and an assistant of a Patriarch. The title is recognized in Southern Orthodox Churches.

Dominika Kovačević